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Nutrition tips: A Lighter, Healthier and Smart Summer

Health eating, fresh fig cut in half
Keep your summer light by cutting some calories from your diet

I challenge you to make your summer break a lighter one. Follow the nutrition tips below.

Could you make the effort to order oven baked potatoes instead of fried?! Skinny or plant based milk with your ice coffee? Cauliflower rice instead of white rice? Sashimi instead of sushi? Two glasses of water for the occasional 1/2 glass of your favourite drink? A shared dessert with family and friends the once-a-week you have dessert? 😉

We can improve our nutrition choices at every meal! Take a step forward on your quest to maintain a lighter weight. Many people put on more weight in the summer when it should be your chance of the year to get rid of the extra pounds.

Honing on your healthier nutrition, your exercise routine, doing relaxation breathing and eating lighter meals is what summer is all about. Right?! It should be! A lighter meal in the evening will allow you to sleep deeply. Follow these nutrition tips for a lighter summer:

+Take the bright days’ push to keep your efforts at a higher bar

+Try lowering the size of your meals

+Try having 3/4 of your plate full of different vegetables every day

+Try cutting on sugar, alcohol and caffeine

++Choose goat and sheep products, they cause less inflammation and are easier to digest

++ Add different wholegrains, other than wheat (investigate what options you have locally)

++Choose purple and other vibrant varieties of tomatoes and carrots to improve your antioxidant intake and expand your telomeres This is indeed the time to work on your longevity.

Have a happy lighter summer!


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